Roma - Casa LaSalle
Oliviero Arzuffi, author of the book Caro papa Francesco, participates in Workshop :
Sexuality and Family: Results of the Synode, Gender, LGBT, Person, impact of cultures and religions" /> Roma - Casa LaSalle
Oliviero Arzuffi, author of the book Caro papa Francesco, participates in Workshop :
Sexuality and Family: Results of the Synode, Gender, LGBT, Person, impact of cultures and religions" /> Roma - Casa LaSalle
Oliviero Arzuffi, author of the book Caro papa Francesco, participates in Workshop :
Sexuality and Family: Results of the Synode, Gender, LGBT, Person, impact of cultures and religions"> Roma - Casa LaSalle
Oliviero Arzuffi, author of the book Caro papa Francesco, participates in Workshop :
Sexuality and Family: Results of the Synode, Gender, LGBT, Person, impact of cultures and religions">


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sabato 21 novembre 2015  – ORE  14:30
Roma - Casa LaSalle
Oliviero Arzuffi, author of the book Caro papa Francesco, participates in Workshop :
Sexuality and Family: Results of the Synode, Gender, LGBT, Person, impact of cultures and religions

Saturday  21st of November 2015
Casa LaSalle, Rome

Workshop – Series I:   14.30 - 16.00h

Sexuality and Family: Results of the Synode, Gender,
LGBT, Person, impact of cultures and religions

In this workshop, four worldwide testimonies will present their experiences on Family and
Sexuality. Germaine Lipeb (from Raja Afrique and Cameroon background) will present the top 5
challenges on women and  families  in  the  African  cultural  context.  Rachael  Alphonso  (from 
India-Asia),  member  of  feminist collective in Mumbai called “Satyashodak” will present the
current status of the family in India with special reference  to  women  and  the  girl  child. 
Barbara  Kapturkiewicz,   Artur,  (from  Poland-Eastern  Europe), member of “Faith and Rainbow”
(LGBTQ Christians group, their families and friends) will talk about his experience as transgender
homosexual man (Artur) who came out of the closet in private and public life; Oliviero Arzuffi
(from Bergamo-Italy) author of book “Dear Pope Francis: Letter from a divorced”, written in the
form of an open letter will face with the problem of separated and divorced persons in Catholic
Church. Debate will include opinions of the results of the Synode and Gender, LGBT,  Person, impact
of cultures and religions issues.

Organization: Enric Vilà
Facilitators: Enric Vilà & Elisabeth Saint-Guily
1. Germaine Lipeb: Woman activist from Cameroon in Raja Afrique (Paris-France)
2. Rachael Alphonso:  Feminist from Satyashodak and environment activist (from Green Madcaps)
(Mumbai- India)
3. Barbara Kapturkiewicz, Artur: Transgender,  married and activist in Faith and Rainbow
4. Oliviero Arzuffi:  A divorced man in Church (Bergamo-Italy).

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Login (se sei già registrato) oppure Registrati
sabato 21 novembre 2015  – ORE  14:30
Roma - Casa LaSalle
Oliviero Arzuffi, author of the book Caro papa Francesco, participates in Workshop :
Sexuality and Family: Results of the Synode, Gender, LGBT, Person, impact of cultures and religions

Oliviero Arzuffi
Roma - Casa LaSalle
Oliviero Arzuffi, author of the book Caro papa Francesco, participates in Workshop :
Sexuality and Family: Results of the Synode, Gender, LGBT, Person, impact of cultures and religions

Saturday  21st of November 2015
Casa LaSalle, Rome

Workshop – Series I:   14.30 - 16.00h

Sexuality and Family: Results of the Synode, Gender,
LGBT, Person, impact of cultures and religions

In this workshop, four worldwide testimonies will present their experiences on Family and
Sexuality. Germaine Lipeb (from Raja Afrique and Cameroon background) will present the top 5
challenges on women and  families  in  the  African  cultural  context.  Rachael  Alphonso  (from 
India-Asia),  member  of  feminist collective in Mumbai called “Satyashodak” will present the
current status of the family in India with special reference  to  women  and  the  girl  child. 
Barbara  Kapturkiewicz,   Artur,  (from  Poland-Eastern  Europe), member of “Faith and Rainbow”
(LGBTQ Christians group, their families and friends) will talk about his experience as transgender
homosexual man (Artur) who came out of the closet in private and public life; Oliviero Arzuffi
(from Bergamo-Italy) author of book “Dear Pope Francis: Letter from a divorced”, written in the
form of an open letter will face with the problem of separated and divorced persons in Catholic
Church. Debate will include opinions of the results of the Synode and Gender, LGBT,  Person, impact
of cultures and religions issues.

Organization: Enric Vilà
Facilitators: Enric Vilà & Elisabeth Saint-Guily
1. Germaine Lipeb: Woman activist from Cameroon in Raja Afrique (Paris-France)
2. Rachael Alphonso:  Feminist from Satyashodak and environment activist (from Green Madcaps)
(Mumbai- India)
3. Barbara Kapturkiewicz, Artur: Transgender,  married and activist in Faith and Rainbow
4. Oliviero Arzuffi:  A divorced man in Church (Bergamo-Italy).

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Diego Zandel, Lisola di Kos

L’isola greca di Kos, Dodecaneso (la terza più grande, dopo Rodi e Scarpantos). 1969-2012-2024 (come noto già isola carcere e possedimento italiano 1912-1947). Circa 287,2 chilometri quadrati, oltre 30 mila abitanti (molti di più in estate), al massimo 843 metri s.l.m.

Il bravo scrittore italiano Diego Zandel (campo di profughi fiumani di Servigliano, 1948) frequenta L’isola di Kos da 54 anni, perlopiù insieme alla prima moglie Anna (e ai loro figli), la cui mamma era nata lì e che è morta nel 2012.

Scrisse una sorta di guida (mappa, storia, foto, poesie, suggerimenti di visita) quando rimase vedovo (un male mortale scoperto nel gennaio 2010), come dolce ricordo (in parte diario). La ripropone oggi con alcuni aggiornamenti per quanto riguarda locali e ristoranti, taverne e psarotaverne (osterie di pesce), nuove infrastrutture e percorsi.

Migliaia di italiani e italiane ci vanno ogni anno, altri vi stanno forse programmando un viaggio, ciascuno potrà scoprire un informato avvincente turismo lento.

Guglielmo Marconi e la Marina italiana di Silvano Benedetti

"Scritto letto detto", la rubrica di #RaiStoria in onda domenica #6ottobre alle 8.50 e alle 20.20. Giovanni Paolo Fontana intervista scrittori, giornalisti e testimoni. Lo storico Silvano Benedetti ricostruisce il profondo legame tra Guglielmo Marconi e la Marina italiana.
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La trasmissione è andata in onda il 6 ottobre